
Saturday, November 12, 2022

WW2 Pacific War.... Bolt Action

Somewhere in the Pacific - US Marines and Japanese Infantry fight it out looking to secure the cross-roads. Having painted up the 'spare' Japanese I thought I would give them a run out using Bolt Action and 750 points to give a balanced game.

Wasting no time. The first Japanese section rush towards the cross-roads.


The US Marines were a little more cautious taking cover behind the sandbag emplacement, the Japanese were more numerous, but the smaller marine sections could throw out some serious fire power. While other Marines advanced from the west.

A further section took cover behind the pig sty overlooking the cross-road.

The Japs chucked everything at the emplacement, knee mortars, snipers nothing would budge the marines.

The rash move by the Japanese saw them forced 'down' and were slowly worn down.

Meanwhile a second Jap sections rounded the native lodge poured fire into defenders.

Just as the game was swinging in the Japanese favour, a veteran section of British Infantry joined the fight, together with Snipers and Flame Throwers evening the odds... The clock ticked down with neither side able to secure the junction.

A fun encounter, Bolt Action is growing on me, especially with our house rules on Hand to Hand and the random order cup mechanism.