
Friday, January 13, 2023

Operation Exporter - Allied reinforcements - Indian Troops.

Hot off the heels of the Vichy French, a few more Indian Troops to bolster the Commonwealth forces. These came within the Carrier Patrol from Warlord Games.

Another 10 man section, containing an NCO, LMG team and 7 Privates, the carriers will follow once all the Infantry are complete. 

The Warlord sculpts are some what bulkier than the Perry offerings. Height wise there is little difference but the Perry castings are thinner and slightly better proportioned to my eye.

Wandering around the desert can be dangerous who knows what could be hiding under rocks or in the scrub. I found this viper in the spares box, which could come in handy.

For those interested this is the colour guide used for the Indian Infantry.

Helmet - Vallejo Dark Sand.
Tunic - Sand Iraqi Sand, Dark Sand Highlight
Leather Jerkin Brown Mahogany Brown.
Jumper - VJ English Uniform
Webbing & Pouches - VJ German Camo Beige
Socks - VJ Flat Earth
Anklets VJ English Uniform
Boots - Black
Flesh - Foundry Butter Fudge Shade 55A
Rifle - Foundry Tan 13B


  1. I have to say I do not like any of the Warlord products

    1. I find the Africa Korps to be better sculpts than the British.

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers Anibal thanks for stopping by.

  3. I agree the Perry figures are nicer although I would not go as far as "anonymous" above😊. What I don't like about Warlord is what I perceive as their ambition to muscle in on and dominate as many eras and scales as they can, in a GW like attempt to be the pre eminent force in gaming miniatures....their figures are ok without being great, to my mind.

    1. I agree they are quite the behemoth now, on the positive they are attracting new gamers to the market via GW, with a little bit of nurturing the newer players start to make the switch from gamers to wargamers, the sculpts can be quite mixed and the Germans are definitely more anatomically correct than the commonwealth figures.

  4. Nice brushwork. I would agree on liking the style of the Perry's releases over that of Warlords ' efforts, but I also have some Indian troops in progress and find them serviceable. Are your carriers the Indian pattern?

    1. I kind of agree Pancernti a decent paint job and some good basing always help serviceable is a good description. The Carriers can be made as MK1 or MK2.

  5. Another lovely looking set of figures there Stu!

  6. Keep up the good work! Always nice to see painted Desert War figures.

  7. Nicely done perhaps we are all looking for games in the arid desert with this current weather ?

  8. Very nice mate, your painting is much better than mine :)
