
Friday, January 06, 2023

Operation Exporter - Indian support elements

Nothing like a pending game to drive the painting queue on.

These were the last of the Commonwealth forces representing elements of the 6th Rajputana Rifles who were part of the Right Hand Column and the advance into Syria.

Boyes Anti-Tank Rifle always useful to take on the nasty French R35's not sure how they will match up against the German Pz III's in any what if scenario.

A 2" Mortar with a couple of head swaps from the Perry metal range together with a Perry Miniatures Vickers MMG this will be handy in keeping the Frenchies heads down.

Meanwhile the prep is underway on the Germans you get a lot more for your money with plastics over metal but the preparation takes that little bit longer, I opted to base each of mine on 2p pieces to make them a little sturdier on the gaming table. 
The Warlord plastics are very nice with lots of different webbing combinations and head gear ranging from Cork helmets to field caps which makes for plenty of variety but watch out for the little bits, bayonets, pouches and the like, they really take their toll on the old eyes.... I definitely stuck one head on upside down before I realised. 

Until next time....


  1. Looking good Stu. Warlord aren't usually too bad, although I do have a vague memory of WWII Russian infantry being a bit of a pain. For ease of assembly, Perry are my favourites and Victrix the worst. Only in terms of assembly... there is nothing wrong with Victrix once assembled and painted....they just have far too many small, fiddly parts that the Perrys just have moulded to the main body of their figures.

    1. I would agree I had some Victrix Nap French, very fiddly and the bayonets were rather brittle as well.

  2. Very nice work there Stu. I would prefer most of the small kit items to be already moulded on, rather than having to stick them on, purely from an ease of assembly and durability point of view.

    1. Agreed Steve, I must be showing my age but I still prefer metal even if the cost is slightly higher.

  3. Good looking troops, like the basing as well. Should be some good scenarios coming to you.

    1. Hopefully Pancerni .... next up a couple of spare sprues ;-)

  4. From what I`ve read the Boyes was useless against R-35s, just couldn`t penetrate unless at suicidally point blank range. The British battalion at Kuneitra and later the Indians at Mezze found themselves at the mercy of the Vichy armour which could drive around at will.
