
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Operation Caravan - Raid on Barce.

Sometimes you look at other peoples collections and think wow....
Thanks to John F for putting on this great game at the Wyre Forest Club a pleasure to play.

LRDG Orders.
The destruction of aircraft, infrastructure and material in the Barce sector would severely hamper axis offensive capabilities. 
Primary target is the Italian Airfield at Barce. Destroy as many aircraft as possible, causing the maximum amount of damage and disturbance to the enemy. 

Secondary objectives should also be destroyed, but only if this will not prejudice the success of your primary task. Fuel Storage facility and Supply dumps within the Airfield,  Administrative infrastructure in Barce. Headquarters of local Italian Command, the vehicle park and camp.

The LRDG massed off table to launch there raid, 10 jeeps each armed with multiple HMG's and Twin Vickers, it was dark and the Italians were not expecting any visitors.

Racing on to the table, the LRDG gunned down the main gun emplacement before the crew even knew what hit them.

Racing down the road they shot up the Italian HQ, but things were getting hot on the main street as the defenders threw grenades from the roof top.

In out and away... mission accomplished the LRDG left the airfield and it's burning wreckage.
They had lost two thirds of their jeeps, but the Nazi war machine would not be using this airfield for quite a while.
A job well done.

A fantastic looking game, following historical events the raids were able to hit the main Italian camp, HQ and airfield before the Italians were able to muster a proper defence. The loss of two vehicles to lucky grenades on the main road was a blow, but the fast moving column was able to dodge any formed defence.

A great game, with some great collection. Now back to my own stuff I have a lot of catching up to do.


  1. Wow, what a lovely looking game there Stu!

    1. Very true Steve, a pleasure to play on.

  2. "Wow" was exactly how I had planned to open my comment too, Stu! Beutiful looking table...I think it is either Joe (Pancerni) or Peter ( Gonsalvo) who has posted about a buddy who is building multiple 1/48 scale aircraft kits to play similar games. I guess strategically, this is an allied victory, but at a considerable cost....LRDG would have been a pretty hazardous gig, I think!

    1. From what John was telling me he found these ready made and painted in a toy shop in diecast.... a damn lucky find if ever there was one ;-)

  3. Yes that is an inspiration for us all a lovely collection and setup 👍

    1. Very true Matt, I have some serious catching up to do.

  4. Replies
    1. It certainly is Ray, how John found the time is beyond me ;-)

  5. Nice game! What rules were used? Thanks

  6. Great look and AAR!
    Top shelf...
