
Saturday, March 04, 2023

WW2 Western Desert - Yet more Africa Korps.

3 more sections roll off the production line.

I did think about swapping back to French or Brits but have my eye in on the uniform detail and mix of tunics so the German reinforcements continue.

24 in one can can feel a little bit of a stretch, but it does have the advantage that once washed and varnished you have a workable table top force.

With over 60 in production it's hard not to repeat poses and uniform mixes, but these look good with a mix of sun helmets and steel helmets.

A few more caps, I do wish not all of the MG34 Guns had to be lying down.

The final batch from this sitting....

Until next time....


  1. Twenty four in one batch sounds too much for me Stu...I would struggle with twenty four 15mm figures! They look great tough, and I understand your comment about the MG 34 pose. Ever since I first had the Tamiya figures where the loader is holding the bipod as the gunner rests the weapon on his shoulder, I have thought that is a great pose....mind you, if I was either of the crewmen, I think I would prefer to be firing from a prone position!

    1. Very true you would question from a practical element how accurate that would be, but if its simply throwing down fire then the effect could be worth it.

  2. 24 in one batch, that sounds like the good old days . Ten is my limit these days. Funny thing I'd say the same in 28mm or 15mm.

    1. I know what you mean, it was quite a stretch but glad they are finished.

  3. Oh, nice brushwork on them!

  4. Nicely done Stu, I too prefer the MG’s to be standing up👍

    1. I recon I should forward this tread to Warlord :-)

  5. Too big a batch for me for sure! I tend to go with 12-15 at any one time, so I don't rush it. As for the MG pose, like Keith I always loved that Tamiya pose firing over the shoulder:).

    1. It must have been a touch hot on the neck of the man in front.

  6. You can always mix and match with other plastics to get different poses for the MG34 gunners. Or hack away at existing arms.
