
Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Lord of the Rings Easterlings.

Hot on the heels of a rare human victory.... just what the forces of Sauron needed..... Some reinforcements. :-(

These GW Easterlings were a Christmas gift which finally made their way to the top of the painting queue. Not the best photo's but coming to a battlefield soon........

The box set gives me two units for the table top, in a change to my usual style I undercoated in gold to try in speed up the process.

Frustratingly unlike other plastic sets from the likes of Perry and Warlord that come with multiple weapon options these contained a fixed set of 4 pike, 8 sword and 8 bow - An excuse to buy another box just to make a unit of 8 pike --- hhhmmmm.

An 8 man archer unit, within our Infamy variant these would better quality than some of their Orc counterparts these are drilled warriors with medium armour. A new challenge for the men of Gondor and Rohan.


  1. Hmmm, I could never quite buy into the Easterlings, being a bit of a Rohan fan to be honest. Fine paint work there though Stu:).

    1. I know what you mean, a little bit out of character for the rest of the factions, but I fear that comment might open up a whole can of worms :-)

  2. Those look cool. Nice job. I hate when manufacturers short you on weapons like you describe! It's just such a cheap out.

    1. When you have that time of wallet power you can do want you want and people will still buy, I think they are the only purchases I have only purchased.
      Cheers Stu

  3. GW is just a money making machine, that I do not ‘buy’ into.

  4. Anonymous above stole my thunder re GW, but that said, you have done a nice job on the figures, Stu!

    1. Very true.... what a strange market place we are involved in ;-)
