
Sunday, June 11, 2023

Song of Arthur and Merlin - Ambush at the Forge

Mordred had sent forth his Knights. Looking to take down Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.

A quick and bloody affair using Song of Arthur and Merlin.

Sir Kay and Sir Bors de Ganis were at Wendels forge, the pack mule had thrown a shoe which was slowing their journey to Camelot.

Approaching from the East and West were a group of Mordred's Knights looking to take down two of King Arthur's finest.

Arthur's Knights had to hold on. If they could light the Beacon the Town Guard would be called out which would drive off Mordred's Knights.  The only near by help were Sir Palomedes and Sir Pelleas who were manning the town gate. Would 4 Knights be enough?

Good and Evil faced off against each other. Sir Kay picked up his heavy axe and readied himself for war..... Wendel was less convinced of victory and volunteered to head off and light the warning beacon, skirting across the field.

Sir Palomedes and Sir Pelleas rushed down the track from the town only to be ambushed by a number of Mordred's Knights. 

As Sir Kay carved through the evil warriors at the forge poor old Wendel's son was hacked down, these Knights really were evil.

Sir Palomedes was beaten to the ground as he fought two attackers.

But Sir Pelleas enraged by the loss of his brother Knight took out two of his attackers and with Mordred's Knights down to only three and the Blacksmith cresting the hill, the dark Knights left the field. 

A fun affair with lots of 'eavy' metal on the table... the Song of Blades and Heroes mechanism makes for a fun game. The Good Knights were hindered by their chivalry having to let their enemies stand up and being unwilling to double up in any melee... Something the lesser evil knights did not have to worry about.

A long way to go before the Knights have enough chivalry points to go on a quest for the grail.


  1. I think I might still have those rules somewhere, but never actually had a game with them. The story of my wargaming life! Fun looking game as always Stu:).

    1. I found mine in the draw of shame as well Steve.

  2. Not rules I have used myself but looks like they give a fun little skirmish 👍

    1. A fun run out for a few hours, whilst we worked through the latest LOTR campaign moves.

  3. Great little skirmish there Stu, which created an entertaining narrative - was this a solo affair?

    1. A brief two player Keith not bad for an quick evening encounter.
