
Friday, July 07, 2023

Duel in the Desert - German Hardware

After the British Light Armour time to balance the books with some German reinforcements.

A great piece of kit from Warlord Games, this was originally from their Eastern Front range, but a change in crew from Perry Miniatures and the German defences are bolstered.

A large crew to service a big gun.... I did post the image on the Bolt Action FB Page, which promoted a string of posts about the ability of the gun to be able to move and shoot on an advance dice....
I won't be using that rule..... I am not sure you will be man handling 16,000 lbs around the table in sand whilst then loading and firing.

Now an excuse to put this lot on the table.....

Next up more French...... maybe....


  1. The model looks terrific. Great job with it!
    Good call on overruling the very gamey "Advance" rule you describe. Sometimes a game just needs to get out of its own way.

  2. Great work on the guns and vocrew Stu. The advance and fire rule sounds like Bolt Action, a ruleset I have never really liked the look of. Partly, this I because at the skirmish level it is played at/ purports to represent, an 88mm gun should be somewhere down the end of your garden, to be at a scale distance equivalent with where it would have been in real life!

    1. Very true, I prefer to play in 15mm for the ranges which feels better to my eye, the rules are simple enough and fortunately I have a bunch of players around me who are willing to tolerate rule tweaks ;-)

  3. Lovely work there Stu:). The ability to move and shoot is really stretching credibility to the max IMHO!

    1. I agree just listened to a podcast on the Falklands and how we stuggled to find suitable ground to position our 105's... I can only imagine the desert is worse....

  4. Great looking 88 and crew, Stu! I have a kit (my buddy gave to me), still in the box. Seeing yours makes me want to put it together and try it out in a Bolt Action game. As you mentioned, moving it during the game will take some thought so as not to make the rules too cheesy. :)

    1. It is a great bit of kit, just need to be selective on the scenario.
