
Saturday, July 15, 2023

German Africa Korps - Infantry Support Options

A few more Germans to bolster the Axis forces, having had a few days away and reading up on the pressure the Vichy Government were putting the German's under for support in defence of their Middle Eastern territories it got me thinking about a wider 'What if' and a role of German ground troops...  but that's for another day...

First up a 81mm Mortar to add some weight to the German Infantry, I based them on a single base with a pin sabot to record casualties...  another one of those topic's which promoted some discussion on some Bolt Action Groups about the merits of single figures and spreading out the likely hits on figures.... I have never been one for micro measurement, if you are having to rely on 1/8th of an inch to catch the edge of a figure... we probably won't play very often :-)

A MMG/HMG depending on requirements.... 
The crew are in a mix of uniforms to give them that lived in campaign feel.

A must for any German force to give additional fire support.

Next up.... I suspect some vehicles as I prep a whole bunch of Australians who need sticking together.


  1. These are very nice indeed Stu....but they aren't French ( refer your closing comment of the previous post!)

    1. Stay tuned Keith multi-tasking and one took over the other.

  2. Cracking work on those Stu and a bit of 'what if?' never goes amiss in my book!

    1. It's amazing what the occasion paragraph can do to spark your interest and gaming ideas :-)
