
Sunday, December 17, 2023

No mini's left behind (2) - British Civil War

Several years ago, A Very British Civil War was all the rage at the Wyverns, with a great campaign set in Worcester and the surrounding area, we even got a mention in the source book.

Tucked away in cupboard of shame was a bunch of metal left over from the project a bunch of militia types, beret wearing troops and vicars... Just the job for the Anglican League - Defenders of the Cathedral.

Within the AVBCW universe the Anglican League were a collection of political groups opposed to the King. They were outspoken on the marriage of the King Edward VIII

The Leagues military wing is structured around the local diocese very often led by clergymen or in the case of Bath and Wells the Bishop himself.

In Worcester out number by the BEF garrison and the local Socialist groups they are content to protect Church property and College Yard. 

The final bare metal was a Vickers HMG team which is a useful support element for the The Severn Riverside Wharf Labours Federation (SRWLF) arch rivals of the BEF, Socialists looking to wrestle the city from the fascists. 

A fun distraction before the next major project in 2024.


  1. I always like the look of AVBCW figures and games Stu - but I won't be heading in that direction myself I don't think - I already have collections for two REAL CW's in the 20's and 30's!

    1. It was a fun project especially the research side of the local area in the 20's and 30's but like many of these things the occasional metal gets left behind. Just nice to get them cleared before 2024 projects loom large :-)

  2. Great to see more AVBCW figures, one of the few 'periods' I have plenty of forces for, which is nice. I just love the whole background feel to it and it avoids all the 'nastiness' of the SCW etc.

    1. Very true, perhaps making a fresh appearance in 2024 - just to many games and not enough time Steve.
