
Friday, December 22, 2023

Tactics II - Turn 2 Axis - Game 3 Ambush on the highway.

With the Axis forces pushing on the left flank pinning allied units, other Axis units were able to break the river line with a view to swing left into the allied defensive line, however the dice gods were against the Axis forces yet again.

Bad news it's a Patrol Game so they are unable to bring their larger forces to bear and also a defender ambush... They are really not having it their own way at the moment.

Lady luck is once again on the side of the allies the terrain is largely open with a wadi at the far end.... The defenders/ambushers have to engage the enemy for a minimum of 4 turns before they can choose to retire.... The winner being the side which inflict the most casualties.

With a good roll on the reinforcements chart, I opted for a number of light support weapons and a couple of Bren Carriers should I need to pull back quickly.

The Vichy forces came on, a number of light machines guns teams first followed by couple of sections and a truck...

Lying in Ambush the FAO, Mortars, Machine Guns awaited the order to fire.... The Fascists were starting to get strung out on the road. 

Shells ran down on the head of the column, pinning the Vichy forces and HMG fire sweeps the marching infantry.

The French start to get organised and break for cover on the left and right flanks rushing forward to get into small arms range. The column was perhaps larger than anticipated with more troops, lorries backing up behind the first units.

With Armour approaching time to get out of dodge.... whilst casualties were still light.
The allies disappeared into the desert as the axis forces picked up the pieces and were forces to regroup.

Allied losses - 70 Points
Axis losses - 220 Points.


  1. Wow, that was a tough one for the Axis troops and Lady Luck is obviously on the side of the righteous 😉!

  2. The Allies are certainly having the better of things so far - but that seems historically accurate - wait till the Afrika Korps arrives in a bit of strength - things might change with Rommel in charge!

  3. Great looking encounter and a good result for the allies 👍

  4. Great looking game and figures, Stu. It's good to see Bolt Action being played. For whatever reason, most folks in my local area don't like to play BA - a lot have gone to Chain of Command - which I don't prefer.
