
Sunday, December 31, 2023

No mini's left behind (3) Bolt Action Pin Markers - Western Desert.

Last post of the year before the customary review of 2023, a sweep of the spares box as the last of the Western Desert project enter the paint table together with a few left overs.

I found these hanging around as I was making room for new projects - Foundry BEF and a handful of Africa Korps casualties from Artisan these will be perfect for Pin Markers for Bolt Action or Chain of Command. 

The Brits are wearing the wrong kit but it clears a few more of the hidden lead.... 

Two dice sabots per base should be enough.

That's all folks.... See you next year......


  1. Very effective Stu and a great way to use up those bits'n'bobs that we always accumulate:). Happy New Year to you and yours!

  2. Great looking markers/figures as always, Stu. We seem to be in the same camp, I don't like figures to go unused, and we also both did Western Desert too! Happy New Year!

    1. We did Dean, I have been following your posts with Interest, likewise the latest RJW stuff, very nice.

  3. Great looking markers and Happy New Year
