
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Western Desert - German Armour.

After last weeks outing where the Italians were soundly beaten, I thought I might as well stick with a theme and get the last of Germans off the paint table. They were in need of some extra support and mobility given how the allies have now acquired a number of pieces of heavy metal which most certainly gives them the edge...

Sticking with the 3D prints a Medium Pz III to try and counter the Matilda, this one from 3D valley comes with it's two turret's one closed up and the other with an open copula, it sculpted with a number of bits of campaign clutter, canvas sheeting and the like so has that on campaign feel.

The Pz II acquired off e-bay, a nice printed it needed an officer to sit in the top to really finish it off and goes nicely with the Sdkfz 250 which is one of the latest releases from Warlord in kit form, the box has plenty of variants including Rommel's version - This one is fine for pushing recon elements forward.

Also in shot some wheeled transport for the Germans, unlike the British lorries who come with the option of open topped or an enclosed canvas back, the German print only comes exposed, but a good excuse to bag some Perry dismounted infantry to sit in the back.

Some great bits of kit the miniature arms race for desert superiority really hots up.


  1. Great additions there Stu:)!

  2. They're some mighty fine additions to the collection Stuart.

  3. They all look great Stu - but I feel the DAK maybe need a PzKfw F2 ..... or two!

  4. Really like these Stuart and have used 3D Valley myself, certainly pleased with their print quality. I might have to put the Panzer on my shopping list, not that I need it you understand!
