
Monday, March 18, 2024

WMMS - Alumwell 2024 - The Battle For Fort Nibeiwa

It good to be back on gaming circuit, it been quite a while. Alumwell is the closest show to the Wyre Forest Club and it was good to see a whole bunch of club members and old faces on the day.

So to the game..... Sponsored by Costa...


A portrayal of the Battle for Fort Nibeiwa part of the opening moves of Operation Compass, an attack of British & Commonwealth forces against Italian Positions in Western Egypt.  The Western Desert Force (Consisting of the 4th Infantry Division & 7th Armoured Division are tasked with an attack against Group Maletti


Under the cover of RAF Bombardments and Artillery. At 7.30am Matilda tanks flanked by Bren Carrier Platoons of  the 7th Rajput Regiment attacked, Italian tanks and defenders were caught off guard with many of the crew asleep, as the crew scrambled for their vehicles they were overwhelmed by the Indian Infantry and lumbering Matilda's.


By 10.40 the Fort was in British Hands in what one Italian described as “the nearest thing to hell he had ever seen.” Over 4000 Italians surrendered.


The Game.

Can the Italians slow the allied advance and destroy the Allied Armour before the Commonwealth forces capture the fort and the Italian Morale collapses?


A good day in the field for the Allies the Italians were routed and the Matilda's crushed all before them, the Italian armour burned where it was parked, the crew cut down as they attempted to run to their vehicles.

A rare victory for the Italians it what was a significant defeat, a Matilda crossing the trench line is hit by a HE round and the crew are forced to bailout.

Played with using the Bolt Action Core rules alongside elements of Chain of Command introducing Force Morale, variable movement and turn end.

A Gentleman's War all smiles..... after a hard day in the desert.

Now the customary picture of the loot from the day.... 
No significant purchases but some extra's for the Outremer Project, a fresh bunker for Operation Exporter and the ground works for the AWI in 10mm for the summer.

Now back to the day job.


  1. Looks a fab game and a great day out!

  2. Fabulous looking game Stuart. I have a hankering for some desert action this summer so this has given me some ideas.

    1. Thanks Michael, A project I did not think I would be doing.... sounds like my work here is done.
      Best wishes

  3. A fine game and great to see you running it at the show. I've seen plenty of photos of it on other Blogs, so obviously well received:).

    1. A fun days Steve, as with most shows these days I seem to spend more time chatting, probably safer on the wallet mind. :-)

  4. What a lovely looking battle well done 👍

  5. The table and models all look wonderful Stu, a fitting climax to all the hard work you have put in, preparing for this show - well done sir!

  6. Nice to have been able to complete with a couple of guys at the club, with everyone chipping in, both in terms of speed and paint styles...
