Sunday, August 04, 2024

Rebels & Patriots - British Grenadiers and Allies

Yet more off the production line and a couple of regiments of British Grenadiers to give the Brits that little bit of extra cold steel.

I figured two units would be enough looking across the unit values within the Rebel and Patriot rules.

Also clearing the paint table 4 units of German Jagers, based on the original Footsore cavalry pill bases (nothing like a bit of upcycling) to denote skirmish units with 6 figures to a unit, you do get quite a few units for your money within the Pendraken packs. It was one of the reasons that drew me towards Rebels and Patriots vs Live Free or Die those rules appeared to need so many more bases of troops than may painting timelines allow, although the scenario's are very useful.

The Jagers tended to be uniformed in Green with Red facings these would be suitable for the Hesse-Cassel, Anspach-Bayreuth, Brunswick or Hesse-Hanau contingents.

Time to switch to the Rebel's so this lot of some one to battle.

Until next time.


  1. Very nice they are too Stu....the British grenadiers are my favourites, though!

  2. Very well done, both the grenadiers and jaegers look great.

    1. Thanks Donnie not to bad using the 3ft rule :-)

  3. Nice additions to your forces Stu and they should give those damned rebels a run for their money;)!

  4. On to the Tax dodgers next Steve :-)
