Monday, July 29, 2024

Bolt Action Far East - (Not) Breaking the Jitra Line 1941

Wow this seems rather green and lush compared to the number of recent desert games. A great club game bringing together various players collections of Far East forces with an encounter based loosely on the breaking of the Jitra Line in 1941 and the blocking force at Nangka.

Japanese forces advance on mass looking to capture the bridge and break through the US forces defending it.

The Marines were dug in and were able to pour fire into the charging Japs.

Both sides were able to pick their own support points so we (Japanese) opted for a light tank to break the line.

However the Yanks were ready for them, rushing forward with satchel charges meant for destroying the bridge instead throwing under the tank and immobilising it. There would be no breakthrough today.

Games like this really get the creative juices flowing despite several projects on the go, some of the new Warlord releases for the Far East are very nice..... I must stay focused.


  1. That is a great looking game Stu:)!

  2. Superb looking table, really well done.

  3. That does look impressive! Now I want a Chindit force to collect!

  4. That is a great looking tabletop!

  5. Great stuff Stu....maybe I can get my 15mm Japanese into action sometime soon...ish?!

  6. Great looking game- the table is excellent!
