Saturday, February 08, 2025

Special Ops - Force on Force.

History has a habit of repeating its self, just as we dust off Force on Force for a game of special forces vs a drug baron in a scenario similar to that in Clear and Present Danger. President Trump signs an Exec Order marking certain cartels terrorist organisations.

We picked from the Classified Scenario Book - US Special Ops operating in the Columbian highlands destroying the drug operations and drug manufacturing plants. The Columbians had hired a company of mercenaries to neutralise the Americans. With no more than a dozen Americans rolling back to their exfiltration point they had dug in and were tasked with aggressively defending at the same time.

Limited photo's I am afraid...

The mercenaries were advancing on the main front but also a flanking force which was quickly put under fire by the CO and his radio operator.

The mercenaries were taking a lot of casualties from the very effective American fire power. It turns out poorly trained troops in the open get chewed pretty quickly.

Like all good action movies, things were going fine into the yanks needed to head to the X fill, getting out of the fox holes exposed the fire teams to a number of rounds of concentrated fire which injured a number of the war fighters.

Whilst they were able to escape they left two KIA behind for the mercenaries to take back to there Columbian masters. That could be a problem.

The mercenaries must have taken 30 dead and seriously wounded out of their 40 man force, which found about right given the task they were given.

It was nice to give Force on Force a roll out, the books are a little hard to come by these days and you do pay quite a price for them, but the rules play well and force you to adopt the right tactics if you are to win.

Right back to the brushes.


  1. I'm not sure what version of FoF we used, but we could never quite get to grips with it, as we were playing games set in Afghanistan at the time. It always felt like 'whack-a-mole' games and no fun being the Insurgents player. I know things have moved on since then, so maybe those issues have been addressed? Nice looking game, even with the limted photos though Stu:).

    1. The back and forth in terms of firing did take a bit of getting use to, my sense is Steve there is more of trend towards faster play mechanisms and more 'games' rather than real life representation. I would happily play again but would I be paying £50 for a rule book that now is not supported..... not likely....

  2. I think I have a copy of FoF donated to me by a gaming buddy - I do remember looking at it some years ago and I even downloaded and played an introductory scenario they had on their website I think, involving rescuing a downed pilot, if I am not mistaken. modern asymmetrical warfare can be a bit problematic, unless played as a cooperative game where all the players are on the "western" side against a system operating the insurgents.

    1. I am inclined to agree Keith, standing in the open and being mowed down by specialist will get quite boring quite fast... Planning on giving it another run out for a Black Hawk Down Scenario in a month or so.....
