Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Spectre Miniatures - Special Operators.

When does everyone find time to paint their mini's?

Over recent weeks I have got into the habit of an hour before bed with a podcast or youtube channel for background noise. This one caught my eye of late 'Getting stuff done' -

I suspect I am not alone in having a cupboard full of spare metal waiting to hit the table, so what can be achieved with some focus. The recent Africa game lead me to seek out a number of this left over projects.

These Spectre Miniature Models that had been hanging around for years.... I mean 10 years..... wow.

These are great castings they really capture the feel of modern fighters the poses are very dynamic and the small arms to scale, I am thinking Private Military Contractors or Special Forces and the like. All it needed was a nudge to get them up the painting queue.

Its's good to be able to finally fill the last of the box with these, just need an excuse to get them on the table now.

Also the last of the African militia. - A General type perhaps looking back to his days at Sandhurst?

A pink haired fella - OK I was bored and he was the very last figure in the box. Who is going to be wandering around the African bush in a suit?

Next up more 10mm AWI and the last of the bare metal before the next purchase.


  1. Those models look great and at least you play with your toys! I just haven't had time to do much playing recently.

    I paint off and on during the week but early on a Saturday or Sunday morning with some sports talk radio and a cup of coffee and I can crank out a ton of production in a couple hours. Having just finished up a load of Bolt Action minis, now I'm on to some MDF buildings and a few Reaper Bones oddballs for Frostgrave.

    1. Quite the list Ski... I can normally grab a couple of hours on a Sunday morning before I am given that list of tasks from the boss :-)

  2. Nice work on those! My hobby time these days is between 5pm and 7pm on weeknights, and maybe a few hours on the weekend if there isn't too much else going on. Currently on my workbench are some Russian Civil War figures, half of which I bought in 2022.

    1. What is it with gamers that seem to have stuff from 2 years ago before they hit the table top.

  3. These are great Stu.....I have looked at the Spectre figures a few times myself....very nice indeed!
    I do a couple of hours 19-2100 work days if I can be bothered and different times at the weekend or during holidays, depending on what else might be on....I probably get 8 to 12 hors in an average week

    1. 8-12 hours is pretty good Keith, trying something new this week and aiming to complete two colours a night on any particular figures on the table. Tonight it's more arabs...

  4. Very nice....great sculpts and very versatile

    1. Very true and a quick paint job to get them on the table.

  5. Nice and simple paint job Stu, but very effective. I watched a similar video recently, which helps remind one on how easy it can be to paint miniatures, if we keep the colour palette limited, which works well for these chaps.

    1. Your right Steve, I was tempted to go with tiger strip using a sharpie to do the flecks but ended up with a quicker more basic colour.
