Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Uniforms of the American Revolution - Massachusetts Regiments -10mm Pendraken

This has probably been on the bookshelf for the best part of 25 years!!!

Finally a chance to turn inspiration into table top figures with the last of the current Pendraken Miniatures for the current phase of the AWI Project. 

Working on the early phase of the war I figured I would paint up a number of the Massachusetts Regiments using these plates as inspiration. 

I am really pleased with how they turned out and in this scale a couple of packs from Pendraken gives me at least 5 regiments for Rebels and Patriots. A strain on the eyes to paint to many at this scale, not that any of my gaming group can see them on the table top.... :-)

In the more common blue coats, two battalions under Colonel Patterson

Members of the 12th Continental Regiment in Dark Brown Tunics.

Members of the 14th Continental Regiment in Cream

Members of the 18th Continental Regiment in Cream Jackets, unbleached linin breaches.

Flags by Maverick Models, who have a great range in a range of scales including a number of unknown regimental colours to give units plenty of variety on the table top.

This gives the Americans some valuable reinforcements with some trained units to help stem the British advance, I need some wagons for the proposed Lexington & Concorde game and some additional buildings but this project is really coming together.

I quite fancy some German Grenadiers and what would be an AWI game without Tarleton's cavalry.


  1. Great looking Colonials, Stu. I sold my plastic AWI figures to a buddy, but plan on getting some metals for skirmish games in the future.

  2. You have been busy Stu. Look forward to giving this another run through.

  3. Nice work Stu. Interestingly (well, ever so slightly!) I used the self same book as one of my AWI references a few months back!

  4. Great work Stu and not a book I have, but at least I have a more 'modern' version that is good, but I do love those old Mollo books. I think next year will be AWI heavy, given it is the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

  5. Great figures and a great book too!
