Monday, February 24, 2025

Tactics II - Allied Turn 4 - Battle 2 - Oasis Assault.

The last game was September - wow

Back to the Tactics II campaign and the second battle of the Allied offensive, this game sees the British breaking out of the port of Karalan looking to push aside a solitary Infantry formation in a defensive position dug in around a desert oasis. Out numbered by 3:1 including Armour - how long could the Axis last?

If anyone is interested in the wider campaign this was the last post - Dust, Tears & Dice: Allied Turn 4 - The Allied hammer blow falls.

A flash of greenery in a desert landscape....

Hidden amongst the rocks and long grass the German defenders await the advance of the Allies.

Sensing the sneaky Germans might be waiting for them, the allies sent a flanking force to roll up the flank, Vickers Light Tanks and Bren Carriers sweep right, the vehicles are showered in sand as a mortar round lands close to the force.

In the centre a dreaded 88mm AT gun appears through the heat haze.

The 88 immediately makes an impact taking out one of the lead Matilda's as it enters the table.

The race is on, knowing the damage the 88 could do, the allies put their foot down, infantry flooded the table as they looked to close the gap on the defenders.

The allies call in mortar fire and get a lucky strike landing on the 88mm - result... Having ranged in it was only a matter of time.

Across the front the British and Commonwealth forces closed in on the defenders, an Anti-Tank gun was quickly neutralised before it could counter the advance on the left. A second Matilda pushed towards the oasis.

In a final hurrah a section of Africa Korps rush from the undergrowth to assault the approaching armour, they failed to score a hit, the supporting infantry beat the attackers back.

With the infantry attack repulsed and the 88 destroyed by another salvo from the mortar the German morale collapsed, unable to retreat due to a blocking force on the map, the German Infantry Battalion entered into captivity.

It was nice to dust off the campaign again, the loss of the allied heavy tank was quite a point loss but taking an entire unit off the map was a great result for the allies. The road was open on the left flank.


  1. Great to see the campaign back up and running 👍

  2. Did seem like it was pretty one sided...with a bit more luck, the 88 could have accounted for more of the Allied armour.
