Friday, September 06, 2024

AWI - Rebel Sharpshooters, casualty markers and buildings

The end of the summer and the AWI stage one is complete.

I admit I might have to have watched Revolution again to get these over the line.

This post is some what of a sweep of the least elements, 4 skirmish units representing woodsmen or riflemen to counter the British Army and their German Jaegers. 

Rather than taking figures off units within Rebels and Patriots given I plan on using casualty markers before I take a base off. Hopefully clusters of ones and two's will be enough in a 48 Point game. 

Just need a game to play and this cracking purchase from Helion makes for some light reading.

Last up a couple of buildings to flesh out the table also from Pendraken.

The planning continues for phase two.


  1. Lovely stuff again Stu....really liking your smaller scale figures, the basing really makes them pop, and the buildings are very nice too!

    1. Thanks Keith just need that free time to get them on the table now.

  2. Great stuff, your collection really i coming along brilliantly, love the buildings they are really nice.

  3. Quite good looking, I would agree with Keith about your basing approach, featuring the best use of the smaller models. Good luck phase two.

    1. Gives me a good reason to use up all those old bases. Shopping list written.

  4. Well done on perservering on getting these painted, which look great. Love the buildings too and the atlas book looks interesting:).

    1. It's good Steve loads of great map content and unit details.
