Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tactics II - Turn 3 Axis - Game 6 Spotters Ridge.

After being mothballed over the summer months the Tactics II Desert Campaign kicks off again, thanks to my good gaming buddies who indulge my map movements and come along to roll some dice, the games take on a new meaning when their is a little more of a back story.

A few miles outside of Karalaan the 1st Parachute brigade are holding the road looking to stall the Axis advance.

The German Armoured formation having been slow in mustering is finally pushing forward looking to counter attack and recapture the costal city where the allies have been shipping in reinforcements the Axis force need to put them under pressure before they can breakout.
Using Platoon Forward the mission is Hasty Attack which orders the German to breakthrough the British lines who are holding a rocky rise and the only pass on route to the city.

Both sides were given the aerial photo showing the ridge and the road rather than blinds both sides were given their available points to spend, but are also provided with the option of additional support should they pass the various rolls. The allies had a positive roll on the support table and were able to deploy a stretch of barbwire to cover the road this would be deployed after the Germans had announced their table top plan.

Hidden amongst the scrub and rocks the allies awaited the advance of the Germans. A glint from the spotter reveals his location as he ranges in on the advancing column.

The Armoured Car moves up the road but is brought under fire by the allies bringing down mortar fire and an off board 25 Pdr. A lucky strike and the A/Car is immobilised. The German infantry scatter. Not the best of starts the curse of freshly painted units strikes again.

The German armour swings left across the desert plain, still no sign of the Allied defenders. They break into the compound the locals having left hours before.

The Germans fan out and head towards the ridge line Pz III's and infantry advance forward.

Shells land amongst the advancing Germans as they moved swiftly to secure the ridge line still no sign of the defenders.

Unable to wait any longer the Allied forces opened up on the advancing Axis forces killing a number of the attackers, the armour responds sweeping the line, artillery shells burst amongst the ridge line. The casualties start to mount.

The clock was ticking down the Brits start to drop from the firing line seeking shelter on the reverse sloop having kept the Germans at bay for as long as possible. At this point the British as well up on points.

No one was certain what happened next the allies ahead on points decided to fall back on the table, they only have two parachute formations in their roster and they may be needed elsewhere but in a fubar moment the Infantry falling back from the German assault bump into the Captain moving forwards, words were exchanged and burst of fire and the officer is killed. A costly loss of 75 points on game night just as the clock struck 11.00 pm.

A hard fought battle with losses at 145 Brits to the Germans 135. The allied forces fall back on the map but are forced to swing right to avoid the enemy forces on their flank, despite a hard fought effort the road to Karalaan is open.

Next up the Allied initiative and an opportunity to counter the German attack.


  1. Great to see this campaign in action once again Stu, just shame about the result for our plucky chaps!

    1. You could not make it up the last roll of the night and double 6 :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Always was a favourite although I think I may have actually only played it as a board game twice in 30 years !!!!

    2. Yes, but the map certainly is useful to you. I keep hoping to get to the Blitzkrieg map to do something similar.

  3. A very entertaining sounding game,Stu, the "blunder" at the end a real irony, giving the DAK an unexpected win!

    1. It's added some spice to the next encounter as you can imagine.
