Sunday, March 23, 2025

Fireforge Games- Christian Spearmen

Looking at the diary coming up and a planned club game in April it would appear that painting is going to be limited in the next couple of weeks. Especially with Alumwell looming large in a few weeks, so I am going to have to grab an hour here and there.

Fortunately a clear day in the last week has allowed me to complete a two more units for the Christian forces in the shape of  Christian heavy spear.

Following the same scheme as the warriors and crossbow men the occasional white or blue tunic to break up the linen and canvas shades together with a mix of shields with the occasional cross thrown in against the more traditional heraldic shield.

The two units are identifiable by one having the Norman kite shield while the others the straight top. But they could easily be mixed in together. 

I have added in a few with the Cross on the tunic to break them up a little and to use up a bunch of transfers that were in the box.

Really pleased with the general feel of these, but have a feeling that they won't fair well against the mass of Islamic horse archers. On the plus side the shields are really big....


  1. More nice work Stu....your Christian forces continue to expand! ✝️

  2. Cracking work Stu and the bright shield designs work well against the 'drab' padded armour etc:).
