Saturday, March 01, 2025

Getting things done - February wrap up

Quick post this morning before heading out to the first show of the year Hammerhead....

Keeping up with the theme of getting stuff done, the last of Arab foot figures for the Crusades project.

These are from Gripping Beasts metal range, I followed the theme of the previous unit and given these chaps a more uniformed feel, still keeping with the occasional flash of Green or Purple. Spears have been swapped out to steel pins, far tougher but that little bit of jeopardy when you pick them up.

Shield Transfers are from Little Big Man Studios although I did have to a scalpel to a couple of banners to make shield transfers fit two of the mini's who's shields were oval shaped.

I suspect this will be used as Heavy Infantry with Lion Rampant and the more uniformed approach separating them out from their lighter comrades.

March should see the Christians hitting the paint table and hopefully the last of the Muslim cavalry.
If you are heading up to Newark today the Wyre Forest Club is running a game so feel free to drop by and say hello.

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