With the Allied forces turn over, initiative switches to the Axis Forces, their first move is to attempt to break across the river, pinning a number of infantry units as their more mobile units pushed forward to break across the wadi.
Playing the Allied defender, I opted for a Veteran unit, armed with Anti-Tank Grenades in the hope that their better defensive saves would keep them in the field longer, the terrain was favourable with high ground to the rear and the ability for troops to be dug in.

The fascist forces would be heading straight down the road, with the possibility of reinforcements forcing the left or right flank, so I had to be prepared for that possibility, with infantry dug in on across the front and a mobile reserve of a couple of light tanks to plug any gaps.

On the high ground a HMG and Spotters scan the possible entry routes of the Axis forces.

As the Vichy French appear they are hit by off table and on table mortars peppered their line, the French had deployed a mobile field gun and armour but they failed to hit their mark against the dug in Infantry.

The French struggled to get organised under the burst of HE rounds. The infantry went forward looking to close the ground between the attackers and defenders.

The British light armour advanced to counter the enemy treat and break up the infantry attack, the armour under took a long range dual took place with both sides taking several hits before the French lost a tank.

On the right flank Axis reinforcements turned up in the shape of the mighty Africa Korps, but they were few in number and lightly armoured.

But despite this they were making a nuisance of themselves breaking through the dug in Infantry into the soft under belly taking out a number of support sections, they were driven back by the allied light armour.

All the time the force morale of both sides dropped point by point the French infantry rallied and charged into the wadi and defeated the battered defenders, on the right flank the Germans infantry was routed as it attempted to clear the defenders from their fox holes.
Unbelievably both sides were left with one force morale point. The Allied sniper finally found his mark after missing all game killing the AT Rifle team which forced the axis forces to withdraw.
The allies had held the river line but losses were heavy on both sides.
Axis - 519
Allied - 445